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Crofton Community Centre

Our Mission Statement

"To provide for the people of Hill Head and Stubbington wards a facility of which they are justifiably proud and want to use as a venue of first choice. To be helpful and courteous to all users of the facilities at all times. To be recognised as the beacon community Association within Hampshire."

Operations Staff Team

Centre Manager - Nicholas Scott

Bookings and Reception - Amanda Matcham

Facilities Team Lead - Martin Ashby

Facilities Managment Team - Stephen Rayner

Facilities Managment Team - Dean Conway

Facilities Managment Team - Larry 

Facilities Managment Team - Rob Morton


Chairman - Malcom Lewis

Vice Chair - Steve Dugan - Also, FBC link Counsellor

Honorary Secretary - Joanne Holden

Trustee - Anne Hayes

Trustee - Jim Forrest

Trustee - Steve Murray

Several Trustees from CCA have recently stepped down to serve as the initial Trustees of the new CiO charity - Crofton Community Hub - being set up to carry on the work of CCA.
Powered by LemonBooking
Community centre booking system